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Things to know about medical cannabis

Everything you should know. And a little bit more.

Cannabis is considered one of the oldest active ingredients in the world. But as an approved medicine,
cannabis flowers in tested pharmaceutical quality for patients with a serious illness have only
been permitted in Germany since 2017. Accordingly, there are many questions about it. We answer
the most common ones here. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.

Medizinisches Cannabis in Fakten


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Wir kooperieren mit führenden Partnern im Bereich Vertrieb und Lagerung. Hierbei setzen wir auf eine nahtlose, bundesweite Lieferung innerhalb von 24-Stunden.


Wir unterstützen Produktionspartner weltweit im EU-GMP-Zertifizierungsprozess und stellen sicher, dass alle Produkte die notwendigen und gewünschten Kriterien erfüllen.


Wir besitzen den weltweit ersten Banktresor, der auf die Lagerung und Weiterverarbeitung von Cannabis spezialisiert ist.


Wir setzen ein professionelles und erfahrenes Verkaufsteam ein, das einen qualifizierten Kontakt zu Ärzten und Apothekern sicherstellt.


Durch starke Partnerschaften & Kooperationen, zum Beispiel die Apothekengenossenschaft Noweda, können wir uns deutschlandweit positionieren.

Medical Cannabis: Frequently Asked Questions

In Germany, the dried flowers of the plant, extracts of the active ingredients, and finished medicinal products containing active ingredients are available as cannabis medicinal products. The two ingredients mainly involved in the effect of cannabis are called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol.
The content of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol varies depending on the strain and dosage form.

Cannabis flowers as well as any preparations from cannabis (e.g. extracts) can be imported for medicalpurposes. The prerequisite for importation from a narcotics law perspective is that the cannabisintended for importation or the cannabis used to make the preparations originates in the country oforigin from cultivation for medical purposes under state control in accordance with Articles 23 and28(1) of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.

With regard to the groups of specialists authorized to prescribe, the law does not provide for any restrictions.Only dentists and veterinarians are excluded. A corresponding prescription can therefore beissued by all contract physicians.

The law does not specify the indications for which a prescription may be issued.

For the first prescription, approval must first be obtained from the insured person’s responsible health insurance fund. The approval must be granted by the health insurer before treatment begins.

The so-called “Cannabis Act” (Act Amending Narcotics Law and Other Regulations) covers the prescriptionof cannabis in the form of dried flowers or extracts in standardized quality and medicinal products with the active ingredients dronabinol or nabilone (Section 31 (6) sentence 1 SGB V).

Since March 10, 2017, physicians have been able to prescribe cannabis-containing medicines forpatients with a serious illness. For SHI-insured patients, there is thus a legal entitlement. Neither thetext of the law nor the explanatory memorandum specify which illnesses are to be considered “seriousillnesses”. In other contexts of the SGB V, however, a disease is understood to be serious if it islife-threatening or if it permanently impairs the quality of life due to the severity of the health disordersit causes (cf. Section 34 (1) SGB V and Section 35 (2) SGB V).

Maximum prescription quantity within 30 days according to § 2 para. 1 BtMVV Cannabis in the formof dried flowers 100,000 mg Cannabis extract (based on the Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol content) 1.000 mg Dronabinol 500 mg In justified individual cases and while maintaining the necessary safetyof narcotics traffic, the physician may deviate from the stipulated maximum quantity for a patient undergoinghis or her long-term treatment by marking with the letter “A” (Section 2 (2) BtMVV). For nabilone(see Canemes®), no maximum prescription quantity has yet been set in the BtMVV.

If you intend to prescribe the approved finished medicinal products Sativex® or Canemes® outsidethe approved indications or cannabis flowers, cannabis extracts not approved as finished medicinal products or dronabinol at the expense of the SHI, the patient must submit an application for approval of cost coverage to the responsible health insurance fund before the first prescription. A written justification by the physician is required.